Source code for epiweeks

"""Epidemiological weeks calculation based on the US CDC (MMWR) and ISO week
numbering systems.

__version__ = "2.3.0"

from datetime import date, timedelta
from typing import Iterator, Tuple

[docs] class Week: """A Week object represents a week in epidemiological week calendar.""" __slots__ = "_year", "_week", "_system" def __init__( self, year: int, week: int, system: str = "cdc", validate: bool = True ): """ Args: year: Epidemiological year. week: Epidemiological week. system: Week numbering system, which may be ``cdc`` where the week starts on Sunday or ``iso`` where the week starts on Monday. validate: Whether to validate year, week and system or not. Raises: ValueError: When ``year`` is out of supported range. ValueError: When ``week`` is out of weeks range for year. ValueError: When ``system`` is not within supported systems. """ if validate: _check_year(year) _check_system(system) _check_week(year, week, system) self._year = year self._week = week self._system = system.upper() def __repr__(self) -> str: class_name = self.__class__.__name__ return f"{class_name}({self._year}, {self._week}, {self._system})" def __str__(self) -> str: return self.cdcformat() if self._system == "CDC" else self.isoformat() def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((self._year, self._week, self._system)) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return self._compare(other) == 0 def __gt__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return self._compare(other) > 0 def __ge__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return self._compare(other) >= 0 def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return self._compare(other) < 0 def __le__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return self._compare(other) <= 0 def _compare(self, other: "Week") -> int: """Compare two Week objects after checking if they are comparable.""" class_name = self.__class__.__name__ if self._system != other.system: raise TypeError( f"Can not compare '{class_name}' objects with different " f"numbering systems: '{self._system}' and '{other.system}'" ) self_week = self.weektuple() other_week = other.weektuple() return ( 0 if self_week == other_week else 1 if self_week > other_week else -1 ) def __add__(self, other: int) -> "Week": if not isinstance(other, int): other_type = type(other).__name__ raise TypeError(f"Second operand must be 'int': {other_type}") new_date = self.startdate() + timedelta(weeks=other) return self.__class__.fromdate(new_date, self._system) def __sub__(self, other: int) -> "Week": if not isinstance(other, int): other_type = type(other).__name__ raise TypeError(f"Second operand must be 'int': {other_type}") return self.__add__(-other) def __contains__(self, other: date) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, date): other_type = type(other).__name__ raise TypeError( f"Tested operand must be '' object: {other_type}" ) return other in self.iterdates()
[docs] @classmethod def fromdate(cls, date_object: date, system: str = "cdc") -> "Week": """Construct Week object from a date. Args: date_object: Python date object. system: Week numbering system, which may be ``cdc`` where the week starts on Sunday or ``iso`` where the week starts on Monday. """ _check_system(system) year = date_object.year date_ordinal = date_object.toordinal() year_start_ordinal = _year_start(year, system) week = (date_ordinal - year_start_ordinal) // 7 if week < 0: year -= 1 year_start_ordinal = _year_start(year, system) week = (date_ordinal - year_start_ordinal) // 7 elif week >= 52: year_start_ordinal = _year_start(year + 1, system) if date_ordinal >= year_start_ordinal: year += 1 week = 0 week += 1 return cls(year, week, system, validate=False)
[docs] @classmethod def fromstring( cls, week_string: str, system: str = "cdc", validate: bool = True ) -> "Week": """Construct Week object from a formatted string. Args: week_string: Week string formatted as ``YYYYww``, ``YYYYWww``, or ``YYYY-Www``. If the string ends with weekday as in ISO formats, weekday will be ignored. system: Week numbering system, which may be ``cdc`` where the week starts on Sunday or ``iso`` where the week starts on Monday. validate: Whether to validate year, week and system or not. """ week_string = week_string.replace("-", "").replace("W", "") year = int(week_string[0:4]) week = int(week_string[4:6]) return cls(year, week, system, validate)
[docs] @classmethod def thisweek(cls, system: str = "cdc") -> "Week": """Construct Week object from current date. Args: system: Week numbering system, which may be ``cdc`` where the week starts on Sunday or ``iso`` where the week starts on Monday. """ return cls.fromdate(, system)
@property def year(self) -> int: """Return year as an integer""" return self._year @property def week(self) -> int: """Return week number as an integer""" return self._week @property def system(self) -> str: """Return week numbering system as a string""" return self._system
[docs] def weektuple(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Return week as a tuple of (year, week).""" return self._year, self._week
[docs] def cdcformat(self) -> str: """Return a string representing the week in CDC format ``YYYYww``.""" return f"{self._year:04}{self._week:02}"
[docs] def isoformat(self) -> str: """Return a string representing the week in ISO compact format ``YYYYWww``. """ return f"{self._year:04}W{self._week:02}"
[docs] def startdate(self) -> date: """Return date for first day of week.""" year_start_ordinal = _year_start(self._year, self._system) week_start_ordinal = year_start_ordinal + ((self._week - 1) * 7) startdate = date.fromordinal(week_start_ordinal) return startdate
[docs] def enddate(self) -> date: """Return date for last day of week.""" enddate = self.startdate() + timedelta(days=6) return enddate
[docs] def iterdates(self) -> Iterator[date]: """Return an iterator that yield date objects for all days of week.""" startdate = self.startdate() for day in range(0, 7): yield startdate + timedelta(days=day)
[docs] def daydate(self, weekday: int = 6) -> date: """Return date for specific weekday of week. Args: weekday: Week day, which may be ``0..6`` where Monday is 0 and Sunday is 6. """ diff = (_system_adjustment(self._system) + weekday) % 7 return self.startdate() + timedelta(days=diff)
[docs] class Year: """A Year object represents a year in epidemiological week calendar.""" __slots__ = "_year", "_system" def __init__(self, year: int, system: str = "cdc"): """ Args: year: Epidemiological year. system: Week numbering system, which may be ``cdc`` where the week starts on Sunday or ``iso`` where the week starts on Monday. Raises: ValueError: When ``year`` is out of supported range. ValueError: When ``system`` is not within supported systems. """ _check_year(year) _check_system(system) self._year = year self._system = system.upper() def __repr__(self) -> str: class_name = self.__class__.__name__ return f"{class_name}({self._year}, {self._system})" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self._year:04}" def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((self._year, self._system))
[docs] @classmethod def thisyear(cls, system: str = "cdc") -> "Year": """Construct Year object from current date. Args: system: Week numbering system, which may be ``cdc`` where the week starts on Sunday or ``iso`` where the week starts on Monday. """ return cls(, system)
@property def year(self) -> int: """Return year as an integer""" return self._year @property def system(self) -> str: """Return week numbering system as a string""" return self._system
[docs] def totalweeks(self) -> int: """Return number of weeks in year.""" return _year_total_weeks(self._year, self._system)
[docs] def startdate(self) -> date: """Return date for first day of first week of year.""" year_start_ordinal = _year_start(self._year, self._system) return date.fromordinal(year_start_ordinal)
[docs] def enddate(self) -> date: """Return date for last day of last week of year.""" year_end_ordinal = _year_start(self._year + 1, self._system) - 1 return date.fromordinal(year_end_ordinal)
[docs] def iterweeks(self) -> Iterator[Week]: """Return an iterator that yield Week objects for all weeks of year.""" for week in range(1, self.totalweeks() + 1): yield Week(self._year, week, self._system, validate=False)
def _check_year(year: int) -> None: """Check value of year.""" max_years = 9999 if not 1 <= year <= max_years: raise ValueError(f"Year must be in 1..{max_years}") def _check_week(year: int, week: int, system: str) -> None: """Check value of week.""" max_weeks = _year_total_weeks(year, system) if not 1 <= week <= max_weeks: raise ValueError(f"Week must be in 1..{max_weeks} for year") def _check_system(system: str) -> None: """Check value of week numbering system.""" systems = ("cdc", "iso") if system.lower() not in systems: raise ValueError(f"System must be in {systems}") def _system_adjustment(system: str) -> int: """Return needed adjustment based on week numbering system.""" systems = ("iso", "cdc") # Monday, Sunday return systems.index(system.lower()) def _year_start(year: int, system: str) -> int: """Return ordinal for first day of first week for year.""" adjustment = _system_adjustment(system) mid_weekday = 3 - adjustment # Sun is 6 .. Mon is 0 jan1 = date(year, 1, 1) jan1_ordinal = jan1.toordinal() jan1_weekday = jan1.weekday() week1_start_ordinal = jan1_ordinal - jan1_weekday - adjustment if jan1_weekday > mid_weekday: week1_start_ordinal += 7 return week1_start_ordinal def _year_total_weeks(year: int, system: str) -> int: """Return number of weeks in year.""" year_start_ordinal = _year_start(year, system) next_year_start_ordinal = _year_start(year + 1, system) weeks = (next_year_start_ordinal - year_start_ordinal) // 7 return weeks